Introducing Wick and Whimsy

In April I will be hosting the next Krakon Games Kickstarter – Wick and Whimsy. This project will offer a selection of new sculpts with a candle-based nature. Previously we had seen the Snufflings, a joyous spirit creature that looks like a candle with legs. These little familiars were created to offer adventurers a companion […]

Noodler assembly guide

The Noodler is a 5-piece resin model, comprising of the main body and 4 tentacles. if you turn the model over, it has 4 visible holes for tentacles. The tentacles can be cleaned up and glued into these 4 holes, but take a moment to consider posing them. If you place the tentacles in hot […]

Mykelings hit the store

The first three rings of Mykelings are now all available in the Online store following fulfilment of the latest Kickstarter. You can find all the Mykelings products in the Mykeling category. As the most successful Fantasy range for Krakon games, work has already begin on part 3.

Mykelings 2 is live

As we endeavour to run more frequent, but concise Kickstarters, this month’s offering is a second look at Mykelings. Check out the live Kickstarter.

Assembling the Overlords Kraken

The Overlords range was built upon the pose-ability of resin tentacles. Applying heat (hot water or hair dryer) to our chosen resin material allows the item to be safely bent into new a shape, which it will hold once cooled. As such, a few straight tentacles can be bent into all sorts of dynamic poses […]


For those of you who frequent Facebook, it will come as no surprise that we will be launching a small project on Kickstarter to produce some metal Gnome models. If you attended ROBIN, you got to see the first resin casts of the models. Here’s our fledgling display table from ROBIN: No, not us! My […]

ROBIN complete

This weekend Krakon Games attended its first proper trade show. Krakon Games is normally a one-man show (Ross), but my brother (Neil) supports me through suggestions, painting and this year he is helping out with trade shows while I find my feet doing so. Considering he has painted almost my entire range (while I’ve painted […]

Scum & Smugglers metals will arrive soon

I was sent a few pictures from our caster, Hysterical Games, this week, showing the first spin of S&S characters. Since I’ve been negligent in posting on this blog, here’s a quick recap. In January, KG ran a Kickstarter to put out a selection of character models for Stargrind under the project name of Scum […]

Morrighu – Fomorian Witch – pre-order now!

The first model in the Samhain range is now available for pre-order. Morrighu of the Fomorians is a swamp-devil witch and matriarch of the Fomor supernatural race. You can secure a copy of her now for £15 plus postage. Orders will be sent as fast as the caster can supply – some lucky people already have […]

Assembling Morrighu – Formorian Witch

Morrighu is cast in a mighty fine resin by Hysterical Games. This resin is strong, but able to allow a slight bending, rather than breaking from pressure. More importantly, it is malleable once subjected to hot water and will retain a new form if held in place while cooled. This is how Morrighu will arrive […]

Future projects

It’s easy to get yourself lost in a bundle of projects. It’s been almost year since I’ve posted anything on the website and I have clearly been neglecting Krakon and the product range. There hasn’t been much interest, which is a definite factor in curbing enthusiasm. I would like to start a regular progress and […]

Salisbury Area Wargame Show

In you happen to be local to Salisbury today, make sure you check out the Salisbury Area Wargame Show. The first of its kind in Salisbury, SAWS aims to open up the Wargaming hobby to the community with a good number of display games and sponsor companies offering sample products and promotional codes. We are sponsoring […]

Fortifications – coming soon

My first foray into home casting was an effort to save money on scenery. With a Big Cap Battle due in May, I decided to create my own wall section to replicate and then expand from there. Here’s the initial wall section, with one of my Iron Hands marines and a GW building for scale. […]

Using custom bases

Basing your miniatures on custom models could not be easier. In many cases, models can simply be attache to the base by gluing the feet, or whatever part of the model is intended to interact with the ground. However, a lot of models come attached to a stub which needs to be removed. A good […]

Creatures of the Night

To clear up any confusion (if you have actually read any information here!): I am working on 2/3 games simultaneously that all exist in the same fantasy world (Creatures of the Night) and share the same background and characters. The difference between each game type is format. I work on them all at once in […]

Introducing: Krakonoš

Introduction The name Krakonoš is the Czech version for Rübezahl, a  folklore mountain spirit/giant of the Krkonoše Mountains. Krakonoš, the game, poses the players as giants from mythology, seeking to guide or force the lesser species of the world to their agenda in a series of encounters. Creatures of the Night is a greater game world in […]

Krakon Games is born!

In an effort to prove my seriousness about bringing Creatures of the Night to life, I have founded a suitable  company and website name – Krakon Games! The name came to me pretty quickly. I am hugely inspired by Lovecraft art and background. In fact anything involving tentacles is pretty cool in my book. Combine […]


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